Growing Apple Music streams can be considered one of the hardest things to do in the music marketing business right now! MARJA’KIM and his team (Khil Datta) had good traction on Spotify, but they wanted to get more listeners on Apple Music; using Symphony, they were able to.
The Question❓
With a large percentage of listeners on Spotify, MARJA’KIM’s team knew they needed to diversify their listeners and needed a great way to drive Apple Music listeners.
The Idea💡
With a large catalog of great songs, MARJA’KIM and Khil had an idea to utilize many different types of campaigns till they found the one that gave them the results they wanted.

Maximizing his budget by utilizing his best-performing asset, MARJA’KIM’s team used Symphony’s custom Geography grouping to maximize who saw his campaign with the correct budget.

The Answer ✅
With the best-performing asset and the best results, MARJA’KIM and Khil doubled down on their campaign and reaped the streaming rewards!
The Results 📈
New Fans!

And a Whole lot of up!