MARJA’KIM, an artist with a growing presence on Spotify, and his team, led by Khil Datta, were eager to expand their reach to Apple Music. Despite their success on Spotify, they recognized the importance of diversifying their listener base and wanted to drive more traffic to their Apple Music profile. They needed a strategic approach to achieve this goal.

The Goal ❓

MARJA’KIM’s team knew that growing Apple Music streams was a challenging task in the current music marketing landscape. Their goal was to bridge the gap between their Spotify and Apple Music listeners, ensuring that MARJA’KIM’s music reached a broader audience. They sought an effective strategy to drive significant traffic to Apple Music.

The Strategy 💡

To accomplish their goal, MARJA’KIM’s team turned to SymphonyOS and its powerful marketing tools. With a large catalog of great content, they decided to experiment with various types of Increase Music Streams campaigns until they found the one that delivered the desired results.

They maximized their budget by utilizing their best-performing asset and employed SymphonyOS’s custom DSP feature. This allowed them to target the right audience with the correct budget, ensuring their campaign reached the most relevant listeners.

The Results ✅

By focusing solely on Apple Music, MARJA’KIM and his team saw a significant increase in their listener base. The campaign delivered outstanding results:

  • New Fans: They achieved a 40% increase in listeners on Apple Music, successfully bridging the gap between their Spotify and Apple Music audiences.\

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